Monday, October 24, 2011

Too Busy

"I have too much to do." Those were my exact words when my husband, Keith, asked if I wanted to take a hike up Sleeping Beauty Mountain one Sunday morning. "It'll only take a few hours," he replied. If I said, but I have so much laundry to do, it would have been a true indicator that I had traded in fun for drudgery in this all too short life. So I shrugged and said, "Okay." That infamous word we use when we agree to do something that we really don't feel like doing. I put on my convert nylon pants, wick away shirt, wool socks, a fleece and  hiking boots. We hopped into our Honda Element and were on the way to Lake George, a 45-minute drive, by 6:30 a.m.

In between sips of coffee and nibbles of bagel, I planned how I would organize my day to get everything on my to do list done in seven hours as opposed to the twelve hours I predicted it would take. The family was coming over at five for dinner so grocery shopping and cooking had to happen. Clean clothes for Monday morning were an absolute necessity, as I'm sure my co-workers would agree. I promised myself to add 1,000 words per day to the novel I was writing and had to comply. I've broken enough promises to myself and wasn't going to add another to the list. The car chugged along as my mind raced. I added more and more to my list. By the time we pulled into the trail head parking lot, I was tapping my foot like an agitated parrot. We'd just have to rush up the 1.5 miles to the top, wave to the lake and scurry back down. Keith, a marathon runner, didn't have a problem with that so we sped off like two jackrabbits. We reached the summit 35-minutes later and were greeted by this view: 

Taken by Keith from the summit of Sleeping Beauty, Lake George, NY October 8, 2011

It was as if the clouds came down to the lake for a swim. Red, yellow and orange leaves mixed in with the green on the trees. The sun rose through the lavender sky, its rays casting luster and shadows across the landscape. The sight instantly tamed the commotion swirling inside me and replaced it with a quiet calm. Keith and I rested on a rock slab and inhaled this magical scene, which seemed to be painted just for us. As I gazed at the cloud covered lake, I couldn't help but think, I almost missed this moment because I was just too busy.

On the way home, my attitude shifted 180 degrees. I mean, how long does it take to throw some burgers on the grill and put some salads from the local deli on the table. Who even remembers what they had for dinner a week ago, but that scene on top of the mountain will stay with me forever. And the writing -- yes, promises to yourself are important to keep, but taking a time out from the bustle of my day, helped the words flow from my clear mind to the keys on my computer later that afternoon. The laundry was still a must, but really. Doesn't the machine do most of the work? The next time Keith says, "Let's go for a hike," I'll reply, "Sounds great!" In fact, I'll be the one who makes the suggestion.

Kick Back Song of the Week:
You may not be able to climb a mountain this week, but if you want a quick kick back moment with nature just click below and jump into the video. 

Somewhere Over the Rainbow sung by Eva Cassidy

Kick Back Book of the Week:
You can read about nature too. If you think you don't have time to read, think again. It takes the average adult 18 minutes to read 15-pages of text. Delving into good book is a sure way to escape and forget about your crowded schedule for a bit. This one is sure to make you laugh out loud.
 A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson
A story about how two middle aged men set out to walk the 2100 mile Appalachian Trail. It's laugh out loud funny. Click below for a preview:


A Little Something Extra:
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn."     
                                                                                                               John Muir           

If you want to learn more about how nature can relieve stress click here


1 comment:

  1. When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another - and ourselves.
